Issue #1 May all your transitions be joyful!
Crone Crowning Ceremonies - everything you wanted to know (but didn't dare ask). Also: Serena Wiegman, Sinead O'Connor, Frankie Armstrong and Wild Welsh Women, plus your first 'Crone Assignment'! 🥳
Welcome to Crone Club’s first issue of Tits to the Wind! 🥳 THANK YOU for subscribing (and a super special shout out to our first 10 paid subscribers! 🥳 🙏 ).
This first issue seems to have taken an unexpectedly folksy turn - if that’s not your bag, please stick with us for future editions as Crone Club is broad church and home to Crones in all our glorious guises.
The feature article this month kicks off our celebration of midlife with an introduction to ‘Crone Crowning’ or ‘Croning’ ceremonies and sharing some of the stuff we did in my Crone Crowning experiment.
<Spoiler alert> Unlike Bridget Christie’s celebration of menopausal mischief ‘The Change’ Channel 4 (pictured), there were no eels in my Crone Crowning 😳, but we still had an absolute blast. This issue features some of the stuff we learnt, just in case you want to run one of your own. I hope just reading about it will help make you feel more positive about what’s to come too.
But first…👇🏽
Crone bites - news in brief
Crones in the media
A big croney whoop whoop to our adopted Dutch(ess) 🇳🇱 of football, Lioness coach Serina Wiegman (53) who led us all the way to the finals of the World Cup. What a woman! 🥳
Also, thank you to all the crones of football who paved the way, including our very own Crone Sue Whyatt who played for the 1972 England squad and tirelessly led the campaign to get awarded their official caps from the FA in 2022…
Here’s a note from Sue Whyatt about the picture of her and Mary Earps pictured on the left above. “Honoured to appear with Mary Earps again before she flew off to Australia. Just want to say that the person who should have been appearing here is Sue Bucket, the first England goalkeeper who was very kind to me, her young understudy. We were both in the first 1972 squad but she was very much No. 1. Unfortunately Sue B has not been well enough to appear in her rightful place which has meant that I have been the one in the media. Recognition came too late for some of our team mates, something we will never forget. Thank you Sue B xx"
A crone salute to Sinead O’Connor, who for me, epitomised the crone qualities of FEROCITY, FREEDOM OF SPEECH and SISTERHOOD. She had the courage to ‘speak her truth’ regardless of personal outcome, calling out patriarchal institutions, and refusing to be pigeon holed into any fixed stereotype of gender or religion right to the end.
Best tweet IMO about her death below…👊🏽
Crone o’ the month
Our Crone of the Month is folk singer and women’s activist Crone Frankie Armstrong (82). I first came across Frankie at Laura Page’s Hidden Depths Exhibition and she kindly stepped in as ‘high priestess’ in my ‘crone crowning ceremony’. Sing along with us and Frankie later in the feature article 🎶.
In addition to bringing out an album of traditional erotic songs entitled ‘The bird in the bush’ 🙌, check out the following links to see why she made it to crone of the month. Frankie Armstrong Wikipedia page Frankie Armstrong Website Frankie on Spotify
Do some stuff 👊🏽
👊🏽 Crone Assignment 001 Share a SheShed
In Issue 2 we will be celebrating the joy of a crone women’s shed or in Woolf parlance: ‘A room of one’s own.’ Do you, or someone you know have a SHEshed, a studio or maybe even a cabin in the woods? We’ll show you ours if you show us yours 😳
👉 Email me a pic or two along with a few lines about what you like to do in yours to:
Or share your pic on Insta, tagging in @crone_club_reclaiming_crone (and, if you can be arsed, using hashtags #CroneClubAssignment #SheSheds #CroneShed).
👊🏽 Gone Croning!
Crone collaborations
👉 Crone Artist Barbara Hulme (60) is a disabled artist looking for collaborators with disabilities for ongoing art projects. Email her at or check out Barbara’s website for more info.
👉 Crone Jeanne Ellin (77) from our Facebook group is looking for an artist/illustrator to collaborate on her writings where she is ‘de-cutting and un-cosying old women in fairy tales’. Contact her via the Crone Club Facebook group @Jeanne Ellin or email me:
👉 Crone Actor, podcaster, singer songwriter Flloyd Kennedy (late 70s) is launching Series 8 of her podcast “Am I old yet?” Copy and paste this URL into your podcast ap to subscribe or check out her website (There’s an interview with our Crone of the Month too!)
👉 Amie Walker & Rachael Halliwell East are commissioning four Women/Non Binary Writers who are 40+ for a new writing showcase at Leeds Playhouse & Sheffield Theatres TM Playhouse - ‘Taking up Space’. Contact All Points North Deadline for submissions 12pm Fri 25th Aug.
👉 Sheffield Crone-in-Training Siobhan Louise is combining photography and coaching in a cafe. Most probably with cake. Contact her on Facebook for details!
Crone events
👉 Wednesday 13 Sep 2023 you can catch our crone of the month Frankie at Thank Folk for Feminism at Cecil Sharp House, London, NW1 7AY.
👉 Fri 15 September 2023 at Chester Cathedral, there’s another chance to see Crone-in-Training’s Laura Page’s stunning photography exhibition ‘Hidden Depths’ which challenges ageist stereotypes (and also features our Crone of the Month!) Tickets from Chester Cathedral website here. With thanks to Naomi Whitehead for sharing.
👉 Fri 13th–15th October FiLiA2023 Conference, Glasgow. Anyone going to the biggest feminist conference in the UK this year? We’ve got a stall there - pop past to say hi and buy THE MOST EXPENSIVE TEA TOWEL YOU WILL NEVER NEED! You can buy from our shop too;-)
👉 Mon 20 - 23 November Healing stress and burnout retreat - a 3 day residential with Steph Morgan in Bodlondeb, North Wales for burnt out female creatives. It’s excellent value too. Mention Crone Club for a discount. Treat yourself, you deserve it.💚
And now for the Feature presentation...
Crone Crowning Ceremonies- everything you wanted to know (but didn't dare ask).
First off…WTF is Crone Crowning?
A Crone Crowning ceremony is a ceremonial rite of passage that celebrates a positive transition into the ‘Crone’ stage of life - or as I like to call it, our ‘third act’. It reclaims the word ‘crone’ to mean ‘crown’ - a ritual that honours the wisdom and life experience of older women, where the crown symbolises a stepping into and owning our power as older women. 👊🏽
I first came across it a few years ago, my friend Juliann sent me a link to this blog about Crone Crowning. I was in a state of (what I now know to be) peri-menopausal angst at the time, but I noticed that even just reading about Crone Crowning, my fear started to shift...
Just the very idea of actively and proudly stepping into our ‘third act’ and celebrating change, rather than fearfully denying it, seemed like a much healthier response to the negativity of the menopause narrative.
So as I approached 50, I was determined to give Crone Crowning a go, gathered together a few pals who were free, and headed off to the stunning Bodlondeb retreat centre in North Wales.
What was I hoping to achieve?
I wondered if an element of ritual would help me embrace the ageing process in a more positive way - perhaps reflect on behaviours and stories that no longer served me - but also plan the kind of crone I want to become, (as well as a flicking the bird to societal narratives around beauty and the perceived invisibility of older women!)
I wanted to honour the women who have had such an amazing impact on me and my life.
I also wanted an excuse to spend some quality time with a few wonderful women of all ages who I knew would get something out of the experience too.
I wanted to mark my 50th birthday in nature, in a spiritual place, with a bit more structure and thought to it, rather than just another piss up!
There is a magic that can happen when good women come together in a safe and beautiful space, and I had a feeling that kindling this sisterhood magic would be a positive experience for us all and be critical to a ‘green and juicy’ crone life going forward 💚
What happens in a Crone Crowning Ceremony?
There are typically four elements that make up a Crone Crowning Ceremony.
#1. Self-reflection.
“Crone Crowning often begins with deep self-reflection- a time for introspection, contemplation, and embracing the transformative power of the aging process. Women reflect on their life experiences, lessons learned, and the wisdom they have gained along the way.”
What we did…
We had various points over the two days for self-reflection. The first was some ‘pre-work’ sent out before the event, based on another suggestion from my pal Juliann.
“Tell the story of your community- who your community is now, how your community might have changed over time, and your relationship with the idea of community.”
We shared our stories over our first lunch together - ‘witches broth’ (nettle soup, kindly made by my wonderful fella Neil!) which we had outside overlooking the fields.
The main self-reflection was in the studio space, with handouts for self-reflection. These prompts got us thinking about what’s most important to us going into the next stage of our lives? What do we want to do/feel/be? What do we want to leave behind that no longer serves us?
#2. Mentorship and guidance.
“The Crone Crowning ceremony often involves the presence of other wise women who have already experienced this transition. They act as mentors, guiding the woman through the process, sharing their own stories, and providing support and encouragement.”
What we did
Sadly the last minute nature of the trip meant that most of my older crones weren’t able to make it (tip - build into your plans the fact that retired crones have more social commitments than crones-in-training!). However, Crone Legend Frankie stepped into the role of ‘high priestess’ to lead the actual crone crowning ceremony on Zoom.
Frankie kicked off our ceremony with the inspiring tale of ‘The Grannies Peace Project’ in 1933 after the horror of the first world war. A group of 20 welsh women collected 390,000 signatures from all over Wales. They took their petition to Washington to join a women’s peace project in the USA, delivered roles upon roles of paper in a beautifully made wooden chest. When unrolled, the petition would have taken up 7 miles.
#3. Symbolic rituals.
“Various symbolic rituals are incorporated into the Crone Crowning ceremony. These rituals may include washing with water, anointing with oils, the passing of a ceremonial object or crown, the recitation of blessings or affirmations, and the sharing of stories and insights.”
What we did
We walked into the ceremony to ‘Calon Lan’, a song we sang at my nain’s funeral, performed here by my midlife crone hero, Cerys Matthews.
Cerys Matthews Calon Lan - our crone crowning walking in track
We then had a reading from the crone bible - ‘Crones Don’t Whine’ by Dr Jean Shinoda Bolen. Here’s a short extract from it.
To be a crone is about inner development, not outer appearance.
A crone is a woman who has wisdom, compassion, humour, courage and vitality.
She has a sense of truly being herself, can express what she knows and feels, and take action when need be.
She does not avert her eyes or numb her mind from reality. She can see the flaws and imperfections in herself and others, but the light in which she sees is not harsh or judgemental.
She has learned to trust herself to know what she knows.
These crone qualities are not acquired overnight. One does not become a fully-fledged crone automatically following menopause, any more than growing older AND wiser go hand in hand. There are decades that follow menopause in which to grow psychologically and spiritually.
It is in cultivating these qualities that the third phase of life becomes a culmination time for inner beauty and wisdom.
This may be a time to play and express affection, or a time for creativity or sensuality, or a time for mediation or therapy, or a time for family, or a time when family recedes, or a time to make a difference in the world.
Crones can make a difference. Your mentoring can support and make it possible for another to grow and blossom. You can be a healing influencer for good. You can have a ripple effect throughout generations to come or through institutions and communities. With vision and intention, and in numbers and influence, crones together can change the world.
If we acquire a crone’s eye view, then we will see ourselves and others from the perspective of soul rather than ego. Ageing well is a goal worth wanting.
The crone is a potential, much like an inherited talent, that needs to be recognised and practiced in order to develop. This wise presence in your psyche will grow, once you trust that there is a crone within and begin to listen. Then in the quiet of your own mind, pay attention to her perceptions and intuitions and act upon them.
Dr Jean Shinoda Bolen , Crones Don’t Whine - concentrated wisdom for Juicy Women. 2003
We closed the ceremony by throwing away our written stories of the things we wanted to leave behind onto an open fire.
#4. Community celebration.
“Crone Crowning is often celebrated within a community, acknowledging the woman's transition and honoring her journey. This gathering allows for the collective recognition of the Crone's wisdom and the affirmation of her continued importance and relevance.”
What we did
We sang together! Our high priestess Frankie opened our ceremony with her song 'Lily’ that celebrated the Grannies Peace Petition, followed by a rousing celebration of women coming together in activism, where we all joined in on the chorus: - HERE’S WHAT WE WOMEN MUST DO! Join in the sing-along below - I guarantee, you’ll feel the power 👊🏽
We also walked (and got lost) together.
We ate, drank, swam and danced together!
And we laughed…and laughed…
What did I learn? Owt I’d do differently?
It confirmed my feeling that 50 for me was too young to be crowned an official crone. I’d love to have another at 60, and even 70 or 80 if I’m still lucky enough to be here.
Give everyone a chance for a role that plays to their strength/passion and give them time to prepare for it (eg one person arranged the walk, another a yoga sesh etc).
Have a really clear agenda (paid subscribers can download ours at the end of this issue), but don’t try to cram in too much. Plenty of nanan naps essential!
If it’s your ceremony, you might find it less stressful to get someone else to lead it and facilitate it. (See below).
Crone Crowning facilitators
Crone Joan McCarthy is running Crone Crowning workshops for women in Australia (she’s near Sydney). She’s a wonderful bonefide crone of 80+ and has conducted many a crone crowning ceremony over the years. She’s written some fab books too. Contact Joan via her website.
In the UK, contact me for prices for a Crone Crowning consultation and/or our Crone Crowning toolkit!
Crown and lamp making workshops.
My creative pal Karen Kench of Kettle of Fish ran our crown and lantern making workshop. She’s great to book for events and retreats too.
Crone Crowning venues.
Bodlondeb studio and retreat in Corwen, North Wales was our wonderfully wild and witchy base for my crone crowning. Steph is a wonderful Crone-in-Training who has invested everything into creating this beautiful (and affordable) space for healing. Check out Steph’s next Healing Stress and Burnout retreat here, or contact her for venue hire information. Mention Crone Club to get a discount.
Crone Crowning gift ideas.
Pictured from left to right: A book of crone archetypes from different cultures, handmade by the wonderful Mazipav; Oracle cards from crone legend Crone Gill @kelham_retro, created by Paala Idrontino and Michelle Reid; Crones Don’t Whine, by Dr Jean Shinoda Bolen and ‘The most expensive tea towel you will NEVER need’ by Justine Gaubert and Crone of Corwen, Lyn Hodnett - available from the Crone Club Shop.
Crone Crowning photography.
We were so lucky to have Laura Page with us - as a friend but also as our official photographer. Laura is passionate about creating a more positive narrative for ageing - check out her work here.
Can you help?
If you’ve enjoyed Issue 1 and believe in paying creatives and social entrepreneurs for their work, consider upgrading to become a paid subscriber. It’s less than one pint a month🍻 (£4 a month or £48 a year if you want to take the hit in one go). This is my only income at the mo, so if you’re enjoying it, no presh, but every penny counts 🙏
How to upgrade to paid
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Once you’ve done that, return to this email and hit subscribe to ‘Tits the wind’. Having problems? Email me and I’ll talk you through it!
👍 ‘Like’ and leave a (supportive 😂) comment below 👇🏽 We’d love to hear YOUR experience of Crone Crowning - have you had one, or are you thinking of doing one, or have you attended one… any positive tips to share?
👉 Send Tits to the Wind to a friend or colleague who would appreciate it.
🥳 Give a year’s subscription to Tits to the Wind as a birthday gift for a beloved crone or crone-in-training.
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👉 Follow us on socials insta @crone_club_reclaiming_crone, the platform formally known as twitter @silentshe, LinkedIn.
🌼 Got any positive stories or ideas or projects to share that meet Crone Club’s spirit and values? Email:
And finally…
The ultimate goal of Tits the wind and Crone Club is to make people feel more joyful about getting older and create a more positive narrative for female ageing. So…
On that bombshell, hope to see you next month, and in the meantime…
May all your transitions be joyful!
Much love.
Juzza (Crone-in-training)
BONUS MATERIAL. (Paid subscribers only).
Psssst! Bonus Crone Crowning resources available for our lovely paid subscribers. It includes our Crone Crowning weekend agenda, plus the lyrics for Calon Lan in Welsh, English and erm, Patagonian! And if THAT’S not worth 4 quid a month, I don’t know what is. 😳 Paid subscribers can get their goodies below 👇🏽 😘
Download our Crone Crowning weekender agenda and Calon Lan translations
Class Just! X
Thank you