Dear crone friends and supporters. Just a quick apology that this month’s missive might be a bit later than usual. Dad is near the end and has been in a coma since last Thursday but is somehow still fighting on. 💔 Despite my best attempts to focus on the positives (new subscribers, see Issue 4 below 👇🏽), the last few months are starting to take their toll…
I will issue extra content for paid subscribers when I get back so you won’t miss out! Thank you all for your support and much love to anyone going through similar battles too.
Much love, thanks and sisterhood.
Huge amounts of love to you my beautiful friend. You must be exhausted. Some things are just way more important xxxx
Thinking of you Justine, my dad departed in January. I also feel so very tired.
And I wholeheartedly agree - training for the last chapters (and pages) is very much needed especially with illness. My dad had Parkinsons and it was not an easy path, in addition to the emotional side there are many practical arrangements which we learned about as we navigated. A practical guide would have helped me.
Take good care of yourSelf. Big hug from me.